
2014-2015 Winter Season Recap - It was not a brutal winter. We experienced a brutal February. November 2014 Pre-winter, but worth mentioning because of the stretch of abnormally cold weather that occurred from Nov 12 through Nov 22. On some days, our temps were 20 to 25 degrees below normal. On seven days during that stretch, our ... more>>
- grebe.soupmode.com -

Comments: 2

Grub, beer, and fall-like weather at Mutz on Tue, Jul 15, 2014 - DD and I arrived at The Oliver House around 7:40 pm. We dined at Mutz and sat outside in the small, shared courtyard area surrounded by a four-story brick building on all sides. Irregular-shaped courtyard. Tight, cozy area. Nice. We sat next to a window for the Petit Fours Patisserie. It was a fall- ... more>>
- grebe.soupmode.com - - #

2014-10-02 17:47:23 this will be the post title - here is the start of the body text here is some more text. testin markdown bolding hashtag #test #perl by testuser1412271849 - 19 words created: Oct 02, 2014 - # source - versions - related posts
- grebe.soupmode.com - - #

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