Cooper's Hawk Hunting Strategy - February 2004 - On Monday of this week, the snow depth in the front yard was still 2-3 inches. We've had snowcover since Jan 4. By Thu the temps were around 50. On Fri, it was 40-50 and it rained, wiping out the remaining snow. It got windy and colder overnight, and about a half an inch of snow fell early this morn ... more>>
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Comments: 1
veery test post using insta command - my photo of a very small insect that i believe is a true bug. it was quite prevalent in mid to late May, 2015. it bit too. it was around 1/4-inch long. when using insta followed by url to the instagram web page (not the image) my app defaults to displaying the image with a 320 px height and width. b ... more>>
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