another test note post. today's weather is cooler and less humid. TOL reported only 69 degrees at about Noon with a dewpoint temp in the 50s. We had several days with dew point temps in the 70s over the past week.
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Comments: 2
Our 2015 Backyard Produce Garden - Notes about our backyard gardening. Related: 2014 garden Search results for the 'garden' tag Apr 11 On Sat, Apr 11, 2015, I cleaned out our garden. It was loaded with oak leaves that fell in the garden, along with a lot of leaves that I raked onto the garden. Other debris, containers, and firewood n ... more>>
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test note reply post to a thread at, which is the test - site for my webmention-based message board app. a note style post should not have a title created or formatted in bold text at the warbler site. but at, my note posts get displayed as if the posts were ar ... more>>
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